Python is a well-liked general-purpose programming language, which is used for the development of various applications, for example CGI scripts and web software. What causes it to be preferred by programmers is that it contains clear syntax and it supports modules - bits of program code which include some subroutines and perform certain tasks. Employing modules can help you save plenty of time and effort for the reason that you'll be able to simply "call" some module in your script, rather than writing all of the computer code for this particular feature. Python is used for a number of software programs like online games, cms, database management systems, RSS readers, text and data processors and many others. Every Python-based script could be included in a website which is created in another programming language.

Python in Web Hosting

You will be able to employ any kind of web application or script created in Python irrespective of the web hosting package that you choose, considering that the language is supported on all of our servers - we have the Apache mod_python module that will enable our system to interpret and manage Python scripts without a problem. You can employ pre-made scripts or create the program code yourself in case you are experienced enough. What's even more, you can also mix custom-made code with pre-made modules and enhance the capabilities of your websites, providing more functionality to the website visitors. As Python is a general-use scripting language, you have a lot of possibilities when it comes to what this kind of a script will be able to do, which means that you're able to provide a tailor-made solution on your website - one that matches your specific needs.